Prepare Your Pieces

In weeks 5 - 8, we are going to use Hypothesis as a platform to collaboratively explore the materials that you selected last week for your adventure.

In order to do that, you need to prepare your materials. I am giving you two weeks to prepare for this. Consider the amount of work as being similar to what you would do for a very good seminar presentation.

Goals for this week

  1. Read and think about your selected materials carefully
  2. Prep them for the rest of us
  3. Improve your digital literacy


Episode 3 Script/Transcript


These week, we introduce you to Jupyter Notebooks. We will use a variety of computational notebooks in this course. These combine code with our observations and narrative as text files; the code in these can be run when opened in the correct environment. On the Computational Notebooks List page, there is a guide to many notebooks that we will learn from and sometimes adapt or modify. You are always welcome to use these as models for things you might like to try that I do not explicitly mention in a given week. That is to say, if you’re up for a challenge, let’s talk!

By the way, if you’re not familiar with the term ‘command prompt’ or ‘terminal’, you might want to watch these two clips first (see the full Mac walkthrough or the full PC walkthrough for video and text.)



Now the other stuff:

  1. Complete the Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks by Kelber and Lawless
  2. Complete An Introduction to Python
  3. Go further: Install and run Jupyter on your own machine
With tech work, if it doesn’t come together in about 30 minutes, it won’t come in an hour. So take a break. Close the laptop. Call somebody up for help. Find another pair of eyes to look at the problem. Share the url to your repo in Discord. I don’t want to hear that you labored heroically for 2 hours to do something. Jump into our social space and ask for advice.

Log your work

For your digital work, it is critical that you keep notes on what works, what doesn’t, what error messages you received, what help you received from others, what websites you went to, and so on.

  • Create a repository on Github; you can make it private.

  • Make a text file and call it Put the date in it, write brief notes so that when you come back to all of this, you’ll know what you were doing. Bullet points are fine; whatever works for you. (You can also do this in your browser while logged into Github.)

  • Drag and drop this file, and any other supporting materials you wish, onto your repository; once they’ve uploaded, hit the ‘commit’ button. (Here’s a video showing this in action.)

While this isn’t graded, per se, you will need this material when it comes to writing the documentation for your eventual GLAM notebook you create. Get in the habit of keeping careful process notes.