Async Seminar Concludes

We conclude our discussion and this phase of the course. We transform that conventional model for a seminar from live face to face to a distributed, asynchronous model through collaborative reading & generous thinking

Goals for this week

  1. Engage meaningfully with the discussion as prepared for you by your peers


Finish with William, Ryan, Miria, and Paula’s selections on the cyoa page.


Discussion Leaders: Discussion leaders will remain alert and will respond to posts and queries on their respective articles. They should not spend more than an hour total on responses this week.

Collaborative Readers: The discussion leaders for this week have prepared a motley of materials. Begin by reading their ‘page level’ annotations - the overview - and then use that to guide your deeper engagement. I’m looking for at least three meaningful interactions with the discussion leader’s thoughts. Is that clear? I’m not saying 3 per article, etc. Rather, this week you are engaging with what your peer has observed, thought, drawn attention to, etc.

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