Check out the weekly instructions for detailed guidance for what you should be doing each week.
I estimate that the technical aspects of this course (the computational notebooks) will take about 17 hours over the duration of the course; see the weekly breakdown at the Sequence of Technical Work page.
Remember to join our discord so we can actually have some social contact and remember that other breathing human beings are part of this course!
The first third of this course is about getting started and choosing your own adventure through the materials I have already gathered for you. You will do a deep annotation on the materials.
The second third will be our asynchronous rotating discussion, conducted in the threads of the various annotations each of us will have prepped on our materials. In a given week, the focus will shift from one batch of materials to another as we discuss collaboratively.
The final third will when we build our GLAM workbench; the ‘notebook’ pages will be accompanied by documentation explaining how to use them, what a user might find, and tie this discussion into the literature we explored.